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ioannis karapanagiotidisOffline

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    ioannis karapanagiotidis posted in the group FeSTEM community of Learners

    2 years ago

    The constant fight of the people to conquest all of their rights should never stop and this is because every day they precipitate

    Undoubtedly, human rights have been conquered after constant fights, let alone those of women. Rights that are taken for granted by men whether we are in a developed or a developing country does not also apply in women
    Gradually, however, we have shown after struggles that women can also gain both freedom of expression without fear, electing and being elected, but also their professional rehabilitation.
    In many countries there are inequalities between men and women in the workplace and which are mainly perceived in the pay gap, which are significantly different between them.
    The STEM space is one of them, where the differences are even bigger.
    Women are generally the minority of researchers worldwide. The phenomenon of existences between men and women, the presence of vertical and horizontal divisions as well as the lack of policy measures and action plans to promote gender equality are evident.
    The majority of women are NOT motivated to pursue a STEM career, not because they lack knowledge and skills, but because of the constant fear that they will not be taken seriously in such jobs and that they will not have the same opportunities as their male colleagues. .
    Other reasons for their low participation are the ethical and sexist work environments, the assignment of boring tasks, pay gaps, and the absence of career advancement and recognition.
    Improving the position of women in research and innovation should start at an early age. School and academia should motivate girls to get in touch with technology and practice their skills around math, engineering and other sciences.
    The social environment, but above all the parents, should encourage their daughters to pursue opportunities and to develop without fear of possible disapproving behaviors.
    It is well known that social stereotypes about the position of women limit them.
    It should be made clear that those involved in technology have common supplies that they can acquire themselves with proper training. Models of women who have managed to stand out and rise ,is useful to be promoted and give them a step to talk about what they have achieved thank to their own strengths.
    Also, spaces that ensure flexibility and the right to medical and family leave can help women thrive in all areas of their lives.

    At this point, and taking advantage of the opportunity to leave my digital footprint, I would like to quote a conversation I had with a friend of mine from Turkey, whom I met in an Erasmus program at our universities.

    Sude, informed me through a photo that posted on her instagram profile that there is mobility at her university (Canakkale) to create a group of young women and through professors to guide them to implement their ideas.
    To increase the interest of female university students in entrepreneurship to start it in their university life and to contribute in the university’s female entrepreneurial graduates.The main point at first is to motivate them with the name of this Circle “Community of Women entrepreneurs”
    I think this is not only encouraging, as we all know Turkey is a country of intense censorship, but it could also be an incentive for neighboring countries like Greece and not only, to encourage women to bring their ideas to the surface and to implement them.
    I hope that more and more men will gradually become aware of this issue and stand up for the protection of women’s basic rights.
    We must finally live in a world without differences, equality and solidarity.
    #FeSTEM #UOM #STEMMakerTeam

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    • Starting from the last sentence of your post, Ioannis, which could be used as a moto! And oh, what a coincidence as today is “1 Μαρτίου (1st March) | Ημέρα Μηδενικών Διακρίσεων – Zero Discrimination Day”. We thank the male member of #UOM #STEMMakerTeam for informing us about initiatives towards gender inequality, especially from other countries and cultures known to you from your participation in mobility programmes.

    • I really liked your text. It depicts the problem of gender inequality and what should be done to overcome that



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